Senin, 26 November 2007

Laverne & Shirley

Her freaky "I wanted Sweet P ALL ALONG." complete with shifty eyes needed only the requisite shrieking violin Psycho music to make the moment complete.

But we told you! Didn't we tell you? We knew there was more to this chickie than simply being "whacky."

Yes, okay. She IS whacky, there's no denying that.

It really says something when biker chicks are scared to be around you.

A couple people have asked us if we think Elisa's "for real" or whether she's playing a character. That's kind of a tough call to make on two episodes alone, but we get the impression she's someone who's completely oblivious to social norms when she's in the middle of creating something.


So she marks her fabric with spit. Sure, that makes great television, but everyone needs to calm down a little. It's not like she wiped her ass with it.

If anything, we think everyone else treats her so much like a character it makes it easy to disregard what she's doing. Is she whacky? Sure.

But the outfit is fucking gorgeous.

Not super-crazy about the colors, but the overall look is pretty and feminine and chic.

Even if you're not a fan of capes, you have to give it up for that dress.

That's just a simple, beautiful design.

Granted, the Elisa story has heavy editing written all over it, so it's hard to break down who did what during the process. We suspect there's quite a bit of Sweet P in the dress - and we're pretty sure she did a lot of the finishing.

But this is twice in a row that an Elisa design belied her "whacky hippy" image. We're not sure whether she's got the goods to stay in the game, but that's part of the appeal. We literally have no idea what she's going to produce next, but we're eager to see it.

"The planet where I am is one that's been trained to respond purely to materials and doesn't necessarily know the language, but knows how to make it work on the body. So, I'm coming to your planet, but with gifts."

Sing it, Puppet Girl.

[Photo: - Screencaps: Project RunGay]

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