Jumat, 16 November 2007

Princess Puffysleeves

Oh good lord. It's gonna be TOUGH to get past that hair. Seriously, how much time does Princess take to do that every morning? If Lola Falana sustained a head wound, her hair would look something like this.

Granted, we're pretty sure his entertainment value has an expiration date on it, but for now, we're kind of enjoying Miss Thing.

But we digress.

There are things to like and things to hate about this look, but ultimately, we think Christian should have been the winner this week.

Once again, we fear we may have shocked you all.

It's all about the jacket, a bold statement - one of the boldest on the runway - near-perfectly executed.

We say "near-perfectly" because we agreed with Tim that it was a little odd that he went to such lengths to make sure the bodice was perfectly symmetrical, but then didn't bother with the sleeves.

And we're not at all crazy about that black trim. Still, it's an impact piece.

The skirt...well, that's another story. We just don't care for the hem, although we give him points for being a little original with it.

We like the gentle pleating at the top, but we're not supercrazy about the sash.

Ultimately, we agree with Nina's take: it was a well-executed garment with a distinct point of view done in fabrics that weren't the best choice for it. The plaid is fine, but the neutral colors on the skirt do nothing for it. It would have been better overall if the skirt had been done in black.

[Photo: Barbara Nitke/Bravotv.com - Screencaps: Project RunGay]

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