Senin, 17 Desember 2007

Elisa: Off on her own.

"I was thinking we could make it a little...FAH!"

"A little--?"

"- and then on top we could make it go SWISH!"

"-and then when you walk, you'll go FAHSWISH FAHSWISH FAHSWISH! You'll probably have to talk real loud so people can hear you over the clothes, though. That's okay. TALKING! LOUD! IS! FUN!"


"I'm going to be right back, mkay? Just have to talk to one of the producers for a sec."

Aw, we kid because we love. She's been cast in the "wacky" role and we admit, it's not totally undeserved, but all Elisa's really shown herself to be is a sweet, unconventional, talented person.

That unconventional sweetness is a real advantage to her because so far, it's allowed her to sail blissfully through the competition without the slightest bit of stress or drama being exhibited.

Which isn't to say that she's always producing top notch work. This is wrong, wrong wrong.

First off, that jacket's poorly made. Secondly, it's just a bad design for that woman.

Too youthful, too many layers, and the Duchess was right; it divides her up and it makes her look stumpy. And not only does the hem on that jacket practically draw arrows pointing to her hips...

It also reminds you that she has ass cheeks as well.

These were all good reasons to put Elisa in the bottom this week, but in the end, the judges chose the bullshittiest reason to condemn her, as if they were longtime friends of the client.

"How do you feel in it, Tracy? To me, it just doesn't look like you"

"I agree with all of them here. It's all very you but it's not very Tracy."

"What the fuck, bitches. We've exchanged like, 10 words total since we met yesterday and you dropped me in the lap of Tinkerbell over here."

"Hmph! She's funny!"

[Photo: Barbara Nitke/ - Screencaps: Project RunGay]

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