Senin, 03 Desember 2007

Kevin and Ricky

"Every one of the gay guys in the room was freaking out...being the only straight guy, I was like, whatever."

Dude, are you going to mention that EVERY WEEK? We GET IT. You're a big manly man clothing designer.

Although you wouldn't know it from this piece. Not the most masculine look in the world, is it?

Others have rolled their eyes and smirked at his constant declarations of heterosexuality and we're here to tell y'all: he's straight. He really is. Trust us, we have superb gaydar.

Eye candy!

To be honest, we kinda sympathize. Being a straight man in what is, in many ways, a gay man's world is pretty much exactly what most gay people go through, only in reverse. So, wave that unrainbow flag proudly, Kevin! Start your own Pride parade! You are straight AND you design clothes and you don't care who knows it! Huzzah!

As for the look, Lorenzo liked it; Tom only sort of liked it.

Big props need to be paid simply because it was for the most part, well-tailored. In a week when so many hot messes rolled down that runway, that should be lauded.

And big props also need to be paid for following the client's dictates. Tiki said he liked conservative looks with splashes of color and this definitely fits the bill. Heidi was dead-on when she said it looked like something David Beckham would wear, but given what Tiki asked for, that's not really a criticism.

The only real criticism we have is that the look is a little young, a little too "Backstreet Boy" for Tiki Barber.

Ricky honey, we nailed it. We said that once the judges hung the "boring" label on you, it would be near-impossible to shake it.

Was this boring? Sure. A little. Any less boring than Jack's winning design? Not on your life, which just goes to show how arbitrary and personality-based the judges' decisions can sometimes be.

Yes, the execution was a disaster, but his real mistake was in going for such an ambitious design in the first place. We didn't realize he lined that jacket until we watched it a third or 4th time. Beautiful lining too.

Just look at that. Girl, that was way too much to do in two days. He was going to do a VEST too? He should have gone with the vest and skipped the jacket, then.

He might have avoided this if he'd done so.

He also might have avoided this:

"Amorcito Mio, what the fuck. I'm falling asleep just looking at it. Why? Why did you make something that makes me fall asleep?"

"B-but it was for the Today Show. *snf*"

"Oh is THAT your excuse? Ha. And I suppose you stuck pins in it because it was the Today Show too?"

"I - I'm..."

"Don't you cry on my runway, chico."

They gave him way too much shit for what was a good, basic design that was appropriate for the client. Yeah, it was boring and yeah, it wasn't finished. In that regard, Ricky can just get in line with all the other designers who had the same problems. Kevin's vest was pinned together and the judge's just laughed about it.

Oh Tim, we think you were talking out your ass a little when you said this was the greatest group of designers inthe history of the world (or whatever it was you said), but you were dead-on when you said the judge's were going to really piss us off this season. Frankly, we're starting to suspect they're just playing to the cameras.

[Photos: - Screencaps: Project RunGay]

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