Selasa, 08 Januari 2008

Ricky and Christian

There's so much gay in this picture that it's overwhelming even us.

Once again, disagreement rears its ugly head at Chez RunGay. Lorenzo hates it; Tom ...well, it's not that Tom loves it, exactly.

Is it kind of a silly, ugly, little dress? Yeah, a little.

Is his use of the Hershey's logo kind of obvious and uninspired when compared to Chris' or Rami's? Absolutely.

Is all that crinkly silver in the skirt kind of trashy-looking? Pretty much.

Does the phrase "silver bubble skirt" make us break out in hives? Unquestionably.

But here's Tom's defense: it's more inventive than anything Ricky's done so far.

Granted, that's not much of a defense.

There was at least some thought put into this that raises it above most of his previous work and yes, it's a little silly-looking but looking at it a certain way, that's part of the charm. She looks like she works in Willy Wonka's factory. She needed a kicky silver pillbox hat to complete the look.

Okay Princess, we're in your corner, but you need to keep your bitchass mouth shut when you're sending such a bag o' crap down the runway,

This was one instance in which we were in total agreement. She looks like a raisin.

All that self-puffing smacktalk and his entire design strategy came down to a simple halter dress and a bottle of fabric glue.

Honey? That ain't nothing to be sashaying around the room over.

Seriously, this was FUGLY.

And the styling was terrible too. Sorry girlfriend, but this was the exact opposite of fierce. This was UNfierce.

[Photos: Barbara Nitke/ - Screencaps: Project RunGay]

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