Rabu, 23 April 2008

The Accessories Wall: The Mr. T Look

Darlings, let's take a look at accessories trends, shall we?

It's not the newest trend on the block, but we're seeing more and more of it: women wearing about 20 pounds of necklace. To wit:

We're not crazy about it. Whatever happened to the old adage of taking one thing off before you walk out the door? Don't get us wrong, we love big chunky jewelry as much as the next queen, but Sarah and Nina are looking a little weighed down here, wouldn't you say? We hope they're taking their calcium supplements or they're both gonna wind up hunch-backed after a couple of nights out looking like this.

At least Nina's look is a little unified. Sarah looks like her house was on fire and she grabbed every necklace she owns before running out the door.

What do you say, ladies? Too much, just enough, or more, more, more?

[Photos: WireImage]

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