Selasa, 20 Mei 2008

Hey, didn't we say something about a contest?

Oh, about SEVEN weeks ago?

Yes, yes. We're assholes. It's not that we forgot or anything. It's just that work's been kicking our asses and what with this whole Lifetime thing and our need to criticize Sarah Jessica Parker, we had SO MANY other things to blog about. But no more, poodles! We have a WINNER for our CONTEST TO COME UP WITH A CONTEST IDEA!

As you may recall, we have in our possession FIVE swag bags from the TRESemmé finale party. The winner of the CONTEST TO COME UP WITH A CONTEST IDEA has won one of them and now we're going to use the other four in the contest that the winner of our CONTEST TO COME UP WITH A CONTEST IDEA came up with! Simple, no?

First, the winner of our CONTEST TO COME UP WITH A CONTEST IDEA.


Contact us to get your prize, you vicious, unrepentant bitter old queen!

You see kittens, most of your submissions were fabulous ideas, but many of them were either too difficult for the average reader to do or too much work for us, your fabulous judges. Vuboq's idea was simple, elegant, and funny. What was that idea?


Simply compose a haiku (5 syllables, 7 syllables, 5 syllables) having to do with any aspect of the show. Not only will the most creative, fabulous and intelligent win a prize, but the FOUR most creative, fabulous and intelligent ones will win prizes.

What are those prizes, we hear you asking? Simply these:

4th prize - Swag bag with TRESemmé products and Project Runway soundtrack

3rd prize - Swag bag with TRESemmé products and Project Runway soundtrack

2nd prize - Swag bag with TRESemmé products and Project Runway soundtrack + an autographed Tim Gunn bobblehead

1st prize - Swag bag with TRESemmé products and Project Runway soundtrack + an EMC2 Lauren dress!

Yes, that old whore Emmett McCarthy not only donated a couple swag bags to our loot pile, but he's sweetened the pot by throwing in one of his rags:

The Lauren Dress

A simple V-neck style silk dress with sheer chiffon poof sleeves and beautiful pintucking detailing make this the perfect special occasion dress. Hits above the knee. $310.00

And speakng of that old whore...

He's having a party tomorrow night! But you have to RSVP today if you want to go, so get cracking.

Also, any posted entries to the haiku contest should include their email address. You may post as many entries as you want. Contest ends Monday. Offer void where prohibited. May cause oily discharge.

[Photos: and Project RunGay]

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