After bagging the best newcomer award recently, Deepika Padukone is now getting ready to lead the 28th India Day Parade in New York as grand marshal on August 17, to celebrate India�s 61st Independence Day. The actress, whose Om Shanti Om double role established her in Bollywood, will be taking over from Priyanka Chopra who was the grand marshal last year. Indian American astronaut Sunita Williams the guest of honour. The parade is organised every year by the Federation of Indian Associations. It goes down Madison Avenue, culminating at a venue where cultural and entertainment programmes are held. The parade attracts around 50,000 people, making it the biggest Independence Day event outside India. Announcing details of the parade, FIA President Yash Paul Soi said at a kick-off meeting at the Indian consulate in NY that former president APJ Abdul Kalam has also been invited. FIA has also started a campaign to have Mahatma Gandhi�s statue erected at the United Nations building in Manhattan and Liberty State Park in New Jersey. The organisation has got in touch with |
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