Kamis, 31 Juli 2008

Auf Wiedersehen, Emily!

Can we reiterate that we just don't get where she's coming from when she calls her designs "underground?"

Y'know, it's not the worst thing we've seen on that runway. It's arguably not even the worst thing seen on the runway last night.

In the "points added" column, she did a pretty good job interpreting her source image. And let's face it, none of those dresses last night really did all that hot a job of "capturing" New York at night. This was at least one of the best efforts in that regard.

In the "points taken away" column, it's a yawningly basic dress which required that all the work be done by the embellishment and frankly, the embellishment failed to do its job.

We are of course, talking about that "Donny and Marie, circa 1978" skating costume ruffle.

It's just so weird, the way she arranged it. We might be persuaded that a ruffle like that could work on a dress, but thought needs to be put into where and how much of it is going to be applied. Why does it cut right across her boobs like that? And then right down her stomach to come to a stop right at her cooch? What is that? Is that how they do it "underground?"

At this point in our PR-watching careers, it's like watching mice in cages react the same way over and over again to certain stimuli. It's kind of psycho- and sociologically interesting to see all the patterns of behavior play themselves out repeatedly. Last night, Emily stepped into the "Delusional" role as she walked away from Tim's rather harsh and pointed criticism of her dress and said, "Tim gave me kind of a mixed review but I have my own sense of style, direction. I'm happy with my dress."

Honey, when Tim starts off a sentence with "I'm worried about the judges," he ain't talking about their health. "Mixed review," my ass.

By the way, anyone notice the dress on that Elle cover behind her? Deliberate or subconscious inspiration? You make the call!

And as far as designers having their own "style" and "direction," that's all well and good and it can even work in your favor sometimes in the judging, but until you get your ass to Bryant Park, you need to consider those judges to get through the competition.

Personally, we wouldn't have auf'd her, but it's exactly the kind of thing those judges love to hate.

And let's face it, when Nina can't even be bothered to say anything about your dress, you've committed the gravest of PR sins. You have bored Nina. Pack up your headbands, girl. You're going home.

Her exit video:

More detailed pictures:

[Photo: Bravo/Barbara Nitke - Screencaps: Projectrungay.blogspot.com - Video: Bravotv.com]
[Additional Pictures: Courtesy of ProjectRunway.com]

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