Rabu, 23 Juli 2008

Jennifer, Keith and Joe

Home stretch, bitches!

Jennifer describes her style thusly: " Holly Golightly goes to Salvador Dali exhibit."

Makes a good soundbite but we don't see it. The clothes are nice, though. A little too precious, but nice.

Model: Topacio

A little too precious, but nice" just about sums up this entry.

The little lip prints all over it were cheesy as hell.

And the dress is certainly well executed, but she chose to make it with one of the easiest (and subsequently, most boring) materials: paper towels. As an entry, it's good enough to get her to the next round, but it's nothing to get excited about.

"I'm a completely self-taught designer. I have a gift that many aspire to, go to school to have it and I was just born with it."

Ahh, ego. Why is it so forgivable in hot men? He's the Fashion Messiah, here to Show Us The Way with his gifts.

Enh. It's a look. Two of them, in fact.

Model: Runa

Ditto. It's not terrible, but it's kinda basic. Like Suede's, no matter what you do to it, it's still going to look like a picnic tablecloth.

Points for using that laundry bag netting and that metallic belt.

And we do like the skirt, but we'd like it more if he used a different material.

Gratuitous face shot. Enjoy.

This is Joe. He has daughters. That means he's straight.

Model: Bell

From a technical standpoint, he did a pretty great job, especially on that skirt. Not only did it move, which is a big deal when you have ten pounds of uncooked pasta hot-glued to it, but the pattern was arranged in such a way that it didn't actually look like ten pounds of uncooked pasta. It looked like a cute print skirt.

Kudos also need to be handed out for that top, which you'd never know was made out of oven mitts.

The problem is, that top and skirt don't look like they go together. It's like he spent his time figuring out how to make his materials work without considering how they work together. Still, a decent effort.

BONUS: Tim Gunn Spanking!

"Designers, I just have to say that I'm seeing a lot of tablecloths in this room and that pisses me the fuck off. You were supposed to pick materials that were untraditional and unexpected. If I wanted to see a bunch of dresses made out of shit, I would have taken you to Jo Ann's Fabrics.

Whatever. I'm out of here. Bunch of lazy motherfuckers."

More pics:

[Photos: Bravo/Barbara Nitke - Screencaps: Projectrungay.blogpost.com]
[Additional Pictures: Projectrunway.com]

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