Minggu, 20 Juli 2008

Jerell and Wesley

Let's knock a couple dresses out over the weekend, shall we?

"What I do now is design one-of-a-kind custom pieces for a VERY selected group of people...from celebrities to Saudi royalty."

Y'know, it wouldn't be PR without some self-puffing smack talk, but "Saudi royalty" may just take the cake. Next season they're gonna claim they designed the pope's hat.

Some nice looks there. Nothing earth-shattering, but he seems to have talent.

He also seems determined to expose his chest in every outfit he wears. We'll let it slide because he's cute.

Model: Alex

We go back and forth on this one.

It's not so much that we like it, exactly. It's too disjointed and there's a bit too much going on.

The cocktail umbrellas don't help. In fact, they pretty much ruin the dress.

What we like about it is his use of materials. He did a bangup job on that bodice. It's visually interesting and it seems to be well-fitted. Making a sleeve out of a koosh ball was a master stroke.

And sure, he made a skirt out of a tablecloth, but he gets points from us for using a fake lace one and layering it so that it looks like real lace.

The whole outfit could have used some editing, but it was a pretty good first effort.

Oh, we don't care what you bitches say. If we were skinny, cute and 23 in 2008, we'd dress exactly like Wesley. And then we'd go out and find a rich sugar daddy to set us up for life. Ah, regrets.

Miss Wesley likes her dead animals.

Model: Alyssa

From an aesthetic point of view, it's a perfectly cute little cocktail dress.

Doing it all in one color wasn't just a chic and visually striking choice, it's also damn impressive that he found so many items that matched each other exactly. Good eye. You'd think all the elements were dyed to match.

Daniel (rightfully) got a lot of attention for using plastic cups, but from where we're sitting, Wesley did just as good a job in seeing the potential in them and utilizing them effectively.

That detail on the bodice and strap is beautiful and looks expensive.

But to be honest, there was one small detail that impressed the hell out of us. It showed wit and style and a great visual sense:

Jerry, that's how you make dishwashing gloves look chic.

More pics:

[Photos: Bravo/Barbara Nitke - Screencaps: Projectrungay.blogspot.com]
[Additional pictures: Courtesy of projectrunway.com]

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