Senin, 14 Juli 2008

Tim Gunn Interview Time Magazine

Time Magazine recently posted a video interview with Sir Tim (excerpts and video below).

Michelle Obama or Cindy McCain?Sharlin Aldao MIAMI LAKES, FLA.
Michelle Obama. Absolutely. She looks so comfortable and relaxed in her style, in her fashion, and she exudes that. She has a presence that gives you confidence in her.

What has been your favorite outfit designed by a contestant on Project Runway? —Rachel Thompson, Dallas
May I give two answers? For me—and it's very emotional—it was the winning look from the very first episode of the very first season, when we took the designers to a Gristedes grocery store and Austin Scarlett made a dress out of corn husks. It was the closest to couture as a corn husk in America could possibly get. On the fashion front, it was the collaboration of Christian Soriano and Chris March on Season 4, the avant-garde challenge. That dress was magnificent.

Do you ever watch Project Runway when it airs? How do the edited versions of the show compare with what the TV viewers never see? —John C. Mohn, Jr., Cornwall, PA
I always watch Project Runway when it airs. And if I'm not home I DVR it. I have to say that the editing is brilliant. Absolutely brilliant. I'm there with the show, day in and day out, and I don't know that I could tell a cohesive story. Whenever one of the designers has the lack of presence of mind to say "you know, I wasn't really like that, it was the editing." Really? The editing can't put words in your mouth, the editing can't have you doing things you didn't do. If anything, the editing is kind to everybody, including me.

10 Questions for Tim Gunn [Time]

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