Oh good lord.
There's something about middle age that makes it near-impossible to shake off the urge to scream "YOU DON'T KNOW ANYTHING ABOUT ANYTHING! GOD!" at young people as you pass them by. Most of the time, we manage to keep such impulses under control. That kinda flies out the window at the sight of Blayne, though.
He's not awful. He's just annoying. We want to take him aside and say "Kid, you're trying too hard. Stop." But then he'd probably say something stupid and the next thing you know, we'd be in jail on assault charges.
We don't hate the dress. We don't love it, but each week and with each challenge he shows a little more promise.
Whatever his inspiration was, it doesn't really say "New York at night," either in the picture or in the dress.
She looks like she fell asleep on top of a pile of birthday presents and woke up with a bunch of crushed bows stuck to her.
Similar to Emily's in that it's a plain black dress with an exuberant ruffled embellishment on it, but he used the colors well and the crushed rainbow effect was at least a little interesting.
It's so strange. We've been singing Terri's praises for the last two weeks and this week she finally gets a lot of positive attention from the judges...
...for a look that we really didn't love. Stranger still, so many of our commenters seemed to love it. We were befuddled. Are we all looking at the same outfit?
But then we decided to take our bitchpants off for once, and sit here in our bitchboxers, looking at it with a more objective eye.
We'll say this, it's a look.
And we're not being backhanded when we say that. It's a strong look that makes an impact. To be fair, the styling was perfect and Xaviera worked the shit out of it.
To be honest, one of the biggest detriments to our liking the piece was our extreme negative reaction to the fabric she chose. Much like Kenley's, this looks like '80s hotel fabric.
And we're sorry, but graffiti and posted bills as an inspiration has been done. It was done long before Santino and Kara went the same route in roughly the same challenge 3 years ago.
And we so can NOT get behind the dress-over-pants look. We didn't like it when it was in style and that was almost a decade ago.
But the shape of that dress is nice and the back of it is gorgeous.
It moves well too.
It is an interesting look, we'll give it that. Without the pants, we might even have loved it. Even though our initial reaction to this look was a collective "Hunh?" our faith in Terri is restored. We can see that she does know what she's doing and the parts of this look that we don't like can be chalked up mostly to editing and styling choices.
She may continue kicking ass on the way to Bryant Park.
More detailed pictures:

[Photos: Bravo/Barbara Nitke - Screencaps: Projectrungay.blogspot.com]
[Additional Pictures: Courtesy of ProjectRunway.com]
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