Jumat, 08 Agustus 2008

Drama Queens

Oh, Joe. You fill us with mixed emotions this week. On the one hand, we could feel your utter joy upon finding out the challenge and we were pulling for you to get a little recognition and felt your frustration as you got passed over for the win.

On the other hand, it looks like you put so much pressure on yourself that you kinda got a little douchey there for a minute.

We liked the design on paper. A little too NASCAR, but then again, that's a hell of a lot closer to appropriate than the cocktail dresses, Bo Peep, and brunch outfits.

And for the most part, we liked the final product.

In reality, it was just as NASCAR as it looked on paper but we honestly didn't mind that so much, even if it wasn't a particularly unique approach.

The fact is, he put out a look that looked like it was supposed to be worn at the Olympics. That puts him so far ahead of the majority of the pack, we don't blame him for thinking he had it in the bag.

Also, matching the red and blue zippers was a nice touch and kudos to the judges for noticing it.

But here's where it failed. The word "skort" is usually met with a gasp at Chez T Lo, but he sold us on the idea when he sketched it. Certainly it would give the appearance of looking a little more formal than shorts while giving them a little comfort and still looking sporty.

Why, then, would he make the front six inches longer than the back? It looks like an apron. We suspect it was so long so he could have those graphic elements without looking crowded, but why not make the shorts longer to match it, then?

Despite that, it was a pretty sharp look. We can understand why the judges didn't pick it but we suspect that he wouldn't agree with us on that.

We think Daniel is entertaining in that high-strung, sweaty, dandy way that you see, well....nowhere, really.

But we have to say he got on our nerves a little this week. All this "I'm into high-end glamor. This has nothing to do with what I'm really used to. It's all very confusing to me." bullshit got annoying real fast. This is the fifth season of the show. If you really thought you were going to go in there every day and make pretty little cocktail dresses for 4 weeks, then you're being really naive.

"I am catering towards a cocktail, more evening, more fantasy look from the 40s and modernizing it."

Really. And no one slapped you and told you to snap out of it? HELLO? OLYMPICS? DOES ANY OF THAT RING A BELL?

The funny thing is, for all his talk of how chic and glamorous it was going to look...

She wound up looking like Olive Oyl guest-starring on Sex and the City.

Come on, what are we supposed to say about this? Just like Jennifer's it was so far from appropriate that all you can do is point and laugh at it. The judges certainly did.

"This isn't it, right? She got here late from another job and didn't have time to change, yes?"

"HAHAHAHAHA!!! I'm sorry. I can't. Someone else handle this one."

To be fair, there's no line we could write as funny as the Duchess's "Republic of Cocktail" and "Olympic drinking" comments. Bitch was on her game. We salute you, Persimmon Princess.

Poor thing looked like he threw up in his mouth a little, too.

It's like Jackie Kennedy as portrayed by Minnie Mouse.

It's Just. So. WRONG.

Even if he had done it in a more sophisticated color than that purple-y blue that changed colors under the lights, it's still not all that interesting a design even for a cocktail dress, nor is it all that glamorous.

Truly, this was one of the most delusional episodes of PR ever.

More detailed pictures:

[Photos: Bravo/Barbara Nitke - Screencaps: Projectrungay.blogspot.com]
[Additional Pictures: Courtesy of ProjectRunway.com]

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