Sabtu, 09 Agustus 2008

Paulo Lets One Rip!

Paulo lets one rip!

From Paulo's MySpace Page:

"This was by far the most stupid, degrading, idiotic, sensationalized, assenine challenge ever. Yes the shotcut challenge was fun. It made me step outside the conventional box and use products that we normally wouldn't think of using. And yes Daniel, I chose my model wisely. I had the advantage of going second so why wouldn't I choose her?? She was beautiful and had great hair. Think I was going to end up with another model that had fucking fine hair..that has less hair on her head than my left nut??? I DON'T THINK SO!!
The dog challenge though was completely fucking stupid. So they put me in the bottom 2 because I didn't make my model look like her dog. I can't say that it's a shameful thing. The dog had gray hair. Was I supposed to give my client gray hair? And what is the deal with Kelly Adderton anyways. That woman sat there day after day looking like a drowned rat pulled out of a sewer judging our work. Work that was basically..."Here's a hoop, we've lit it on fire, you have 3 New York seconds to jump through jump you idiots..JUMP!!!!!!' ...Girl..get a fucking make-over and get your hair done. And this bitch is a style editor??!?!? Amazing....Who did these people sleep with to get these jobs anyways???
And don't you all find it interesting that Daniel was put up in the top 2 and they put Chalie's in the bottom?? And they had practically the SAME STYLE ON THEIR MODELS????? Interesting.
Here's the clincher that just made me gag. Jaclyn at the very end saying...' must do better and take risks.....' WHAT THE FUCK FOR?? SO THAT WHEN YOU DO, YOU CUT US DOWN ANYWAYS?? FOR FUCK'S SAKES. ALL YOU DAMN JUDGES WANT IS CONFORMITY. Well my dears, you're not getting conformity from me. Fuck You.
Enough. People ask me if I regret doing this....My answer is no. I had a great time and met some great people. Would I do it again? Well..I think I would rather put my nuts in a meat grinder.
Nuff said. Peace"

Yow. We can't say we disagree, honey, but you might want to switch to decaf.


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