Rabu, 06 Agustus 2008

T LOunge

...is once again open for business. Pick your drinking partners and secure yourselves a seat, darlings.

Once you're settled in, we have a couple pieces of business to get to before you're face-first in the complimentary peanuts again.

First, we FINALLY completed our tribute post to your pick for the Ultimate Dame/Diva. Enjoy.

Second, CONGRATULATIONS to LENORA and AUNTIE L. for correctly picking the winner and the loser last week. Email us to get your EMC2 tees signed by Tim Gunn, ladies.

And speaking of which, we have plenty more of them, including grey ones for those of you who aren't secure in your masculinity.

So, we're gonna keep on having the contest until they're all given away. Correctly pick the winner and the loser of tonight's show. You have to get your answers in before 9 PM EST. You can enter 3 times, but in order to win, you MUST have picked the winner and the loser in the same entry. And leave your email address so we know it's you. Ta!

[Photos: emmettmccarthy.com - guestofaguest.com]

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