Minggu, 29 Agustus 2010

Blue Lotus Flower a Symbol of Spirituality

By means of microscopic observation and astronomical projection the lotus flower can become the foundation for an entire theory of the universe and an agent whereby we may perceive Truth.

A common way of understanding the Buddhist concepts of enlightement is told through the parable of the lotus. The lotus grows in muddy water, and yet the dirt and muddy water fall off its leaves and petals, keeping it clean and pure.

In Hinduism lotus flower mythology states that within each person is the spirit of a sacred lotus.

In this ancient egyptian art carving, Hert-watet-khet is shown smelling a blue lotus flower. Lotus blossoms were handed out at parties, smelled for their aroma, turned into perfume and ingested for food and healing properties.
It was believed that the blue lotus had strong aphrodesiac qualities, and women were gifted with the blue lotus by their suitors

Its original habitat may have been along the Nile and other locations in East Africa. It spread to other locations, however, already in ancient times, like the Indian Subcontinent and Thailand.

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