Jumat, 16 November 2007

The Bitch is Back!

"Can I see it with the jacket off?
And could she turn around?
And maybe put on another dress?
And tell her to stop looking directly at me."

Oh, kittens. She's BACK. And childbirth has thankfully done NOTHING to soften her. Nina, we missed you so.

"You show me THIS? I left my baby with a stranger so I could come in here and look at THIS?"

There are so many things to love about Nina (the hair, the shoes, the jewelry), but really, the thing we love most about her is that she makes absolutely no attempt to keep what she's thinking off her face.

"Hmmm. Must remember to mention how much this outfit makes me want to throw up."

And if you're a designer on the runway, you better hope Heidi says "Michael do you want to start?" when it's your turn, because if Nina's the one questioning you, your anti-perspirant is bound to fail.

"I'm a little confused. Were you blindfolded for this challenge? Did they throw you in a ditch or something?"

"I think perhaps you should consider a career change. Something that doesn't require taste or technical skills."

"Could you tell me what you were thinking with this design? Were you thinking, or did you just throw random bits of fabric at a dress form and staple them together?"

Nina Chica, guest judges may come and go, The Duchess's charms may wax and wane, but YOU, you are everything this show stands for: style, bitchery, and the ability to cut obnoxious designers off at the knees before they even know what hit them. Don't ever change.

(Screencaps: Project RunGay)

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