Selasa, 27 November 2007

Kit & Chris

"Most women feel that they have to like save their special clothes for a special occasion. Well, fuck that!"

Well alright, then! That's a philosophy we can get behind. But before we get to that, how cute was Chris this week?

Although granted, much like Carmen's display, we couldn't actually see any tears. Still, though. Cute.

Cute's definitely the theme here, which is surprising, because we'd never have used that word to describe the aesthetic of either one of these designers. But cute this outfit definitely is.

Shoot us for using a Nina-ism, but she "really thought about it." It's not just a cute top. There's a blending of various design elements - the pockets, the neckline, the sleeves - that shows a real thoughtfulness and sense of style.

It's flattering; it fits her well, and we love the proportions on the sleeve and neckline.

Honestly, we're almost never a fan of tights - and we're not fans of them here - but if you're going to wear them, this is the perfect type of top for them. It's a young, classic look and the most appropriate one for the top.

There's just one bit that's like nails on a chalkboard to us.

The hat, kittens. We just can't get behind it. To be honest, it nearly ruins the look for us. There's nothing inherently wrong with a beret, but with her hair and that outfit, it comes off downright costume-y. Like they're shooting The Leslie Caron Story for Lifetime.

Still, it's a supercute look. The elements on the top override any of the other sort of flat styling choices.

[Photo: - Screencaps: Project RunGay]

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